| | To add a group, click on the Add Group button. |
| | Type in a Group Name and Group Description. You must have at least 5 characters for a Group Name and one character for the description. |
| | Select which accounts to add in the group. |
| | This section allows the user to set up different ratios for each account. The accounts are filled in the order in which they are shown in this list. The order may be changed by dragging an account up or down the list. The ratio is the multiplier used when deciding the quantity for each account. The volume that you enter into the market will then be multiplied by each accounts ratio. For example, If you click a 2 lot into the market each account will have a 2 lot working in the market. If the ratio was 3 and you entered a 2 lot, each account would have a 6 lot working in the market. These ratios can be changed at any time. |
| | Account Group: Must Enable the group |
6 | | Sell Order: To reverse the order in which the accounts receive the fills after a buy. Max Clip Size: The max order size that can be entered for the group. For example, if the max clip size is 5 and your ratio is one, then each account will get a 5 lot. |
7 | | You must save the settings. |